
Finally I made it – this is a third attempt to film and share these thoughts, the previous two never made it online, including one video from last year that was fully exported and full of funky animations. But I prefer this one – until my views evolve and I find a better way to express them!

There is indeed a lot to share about dancing and musicality.. For me, poi and the circular motion that it’s based on is a great source of inspiration for body movement. That’s that kind of “dancing with poi” that I find beautiful and unique. I’m not a big fan of that kind of dance that ignores this and is only an added layer to the poi spinning – often prioritizing body movement on top of what the poi do. I love it when the poi and the body are in perfect symbiosis.

Check the following video “Moving with Poi II. – The Exercises” where I go in details about what to try and how to shift your perception of what a circle can mean.

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Learn Poi From Vojta Stolbenko

Vojta Stolbenko

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  1. You’ve opened my mind on how I can ‘poi dance’ to music
    i don’t need to follow solely the obvious choice of the beat / rhythm.
    i can express myself using rhe melody, or harmony or the vocal or something else in the music or a combination of the above..
    I will be listening to music now and see what different options i could take to exoress myself or dance wirh poi in a particular way.
    thanks ! :pray: