Delphiki posted in the group Everything about Poi
This is contact staff map, created by the one and only (c) Meghan Claire Pike. Please consider this an intelectual property. It was carefuly hacked out of wayback machine and no longer functional ‘contact staff tutorials’ website by myself today after 8 years.
Delphiki posted in the group Everything about Poi
“We came whirling out of nothingness
scattering stars like dust
the stars made a circle and in the middle
we dance..”Rumi
Nana Test Payment Apprentice is
feeling Excited
Yeah, I’ve got the 2 poi in one hand Triquota nailed down!!
Nana Devi posted in the group Community Videos
A little teaser for the Castle Poi Retreat 😉 🏰 🔥
Looks cool.